JXHK GIVES BACK TO SOCIETY (interview in Newsweek)A year has passed since JX and HK first caught the attention of the world with their number one reality tv show
, '
A FAMED LIFE', which overshadowed the loud and flamboyant combination of Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie in barely two seconds. The two, JX and HK, emerged as the world's new favourite socialites-in-pink...'and sometimes in the other colours of the rainbow' quipped an excited HK, who admitted that their unbiased love for wearing every colour to be found on the rainbow,as opposed to just having one favourite colour, had to do with the CareBears. 'The Carebears, and okay, also the weird lion always hanging out with them, you know, they are our inspiration,' said JX, donning a matching retro printed tee of a band of CareBears doing the 'Carebear Stare' at the interview, alongside partner HK.
Though the two behaved like they hadn't seen movable chairs with wheels before, with JX sitting on HK as he ferries them around the room squealing like kids on a roller coaster ride, don't be so soon to judge them. Behind the eccentric-behaviours lies two very warm hearts. Both JX and HK had recently founded a charity for the
Poor Unfortunate Souls That Watch Only One Show Per Year (PUSTWOOSPY).
The following is an interview reporter Lucy Aslan had with the duo at a location in Singapore.
Lucy A: Welcome to Singapore once more. You two had been here so many times before, so what brings you two back here again?
JX: We're here to audition for a new reality tv show... *giggles* Yep, can't say what is it about cos we're not allowed to let the mew mew out of the bag! *laughs* (HK screeches in laughter before attempting to mew like a cat.)
Lucy A: Oh, top secret eh? It's alright, we won't force you anymore, then. So what exactly it is that spur the both of you to set up the PUSTWOOPSY?
HK: It's a very sad story, actually. You see, while I was sent to model bootcamp, you know, to whip my body into shape for my Vogue photoshoot, I befriended this man who had never once...*tears* had never once... Oh I'm so sorry I'm not usually this emotional... (JX offers HK a tissue as she patted his back)
Lucy A: I'm so sorry to have upset you, HK.
HK: *sniffs* It's alright. As I was saying, I befriended this man who has never...watched
Lord Of The Rings till this year! Can you believe how sad he was? This year?! Oh, I'm gonna cry all over again... Oh, dear...Oh, my... Ohhhh! It's just so...sad...you know? (HK starts dabbling at his tears)
JX: It's very sad... It's like there are people out there who're actually watching only one movie per year, you know? And here we are sulking over the bucket of popcorn at the theatres because it's the third time we're catching
Superman Begins, complaining: "Oh, his dialogues and the plot are beginning to get stale to my ears. Yes, Lois Lane, I am Superman without the glasses, yes I can fly, yes yada yada I know what's the ending gonna be." *rolls eyes* And there are people out there who'll only watch the show five years from now!
HK: Five years...Five years! There would be already six sequels by then! Oh, the heavens can be so very,very unfair! (HK sobs uncontrollably).
Lucy A: I'm sure it must be very sad for you then, HK. But, the man sure is lucky to have met you or otherwise, the
PUSTWOOSPY wouldn't be here right now, would it?
HK: *giggles weakly and sniffs* I guess so. We plan to take under our wings as many poor souls like my friend from bootcamp, and to give these PUSTWOOPEES opportunities to watch every big hit on the silver screen once the show opens in theatres...
JX: ...not forgetting the complimentary sweet-and-salty popcorn bucket and a choice of drink they can choose from coke, coke light with lemon, ice milo or ice lemon tea! *smiles* (HK nods).
Lucy A: Mmm-mmm. That sure sound yummy and fun! You guys certainly make me want to be a PUSTWHOOPER!
HK: It's PUSTWOOSPEES. As in, PUST W-O-O-S-P-E-E-S. You said PUST W-H-O-O-P-E-R, and that's wrong. That's the whooper burger you're referring to.
Lucy A: *laughs* Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for that one. My bad. PUSTWOOSPEES, I mean.
HK: *smiles* Nah, it's alright. *Sniffs* Sorry about that, my nose is still runny from my sadness just now. Lucy A: You are most certainly pardoned! So, is there anything about the
PUSTWOOSPY you guys want to talk about?
JX: Oh I'm glad you mention that. Myself and HK, along with a team of creative designers have came up with the official faces for
PUSTWOOSPY, which is none other than ourselves, of course. For the photoshoot (SCROLL DOWN FOR PICTURE BELOW), we were lucky to be sponsored by famous designers like Chanel (for the stylish glasses), Burberry (the classy 'berry' earrings), and even Kelly Osbourne, who donated two fresh flowers off her private garden so we could jazz up our hair. They're all very nice and charitable people, especially Kelly. *laughs*
HK: Oh yes, we love Kelly Osbourne. Whoever says fat people should die should kill themselves right now.
Lucy A: Wow, that's indeed very nice of the sponsors! And the official poster for the
PUSTWOOSPY is looking pretty good, I got to say.
JX & HK: Oh, thank you... You're far too kind, Miss Aslan.
Lucy A: *laughs* Yes, it's actually Mrs. Aslan, not Miss. Aslan and I had been married for a few years now... Even had a baby cub named Simba. He's the loveliest cub ever. *smiles*
HK: Awww... I'm sure he is. I watched your family video,'
The Lion King' which showed your cub being baptised over the edge of the cliff by an old monkey. It was very touching. *tears*
Lucy A: Wow, thanks! And well, thank you for your time, the both of you! We'll like to wish the
PUSTWOOSPEES all the best. The two of you certainly had hearts of angels.
JX & HK: *stands up and puts hands on hips, rocking side to side* Saaaave the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race, there are, people dying, make a better place for you and for meeee. YOU AND FOR ME, YOU AND FOR ME! Carebear Share!