YAWP’s Most Eligible Bachelors Swimsuit Edition 2006
Sentosa – 12 contestants from all over the world gathered together yesterday for the meet and greet session on Sentosa for YAWP’s most Eligible Bachelors Swimsuit Edition 2006. The competition will last for a total of 14 days and fans are allowed to vote for their favorites and the top five will then be qualified in the finals held on 13 August 2006. The prelude and the actual pageant will be hosted by reality tv star HK, who will be following the 12 Beauty Kings along their journey to the crown.
Here are the details of individual Bachelors, as well as our own predictions on who will win the awards in individual categories.

Age: 22
Winning Title: 2nd runner up.
Occupation: Holds a major role in sappy Korean film.
Do you know: He is actually the stand in for fat stubby hands in “Da Chang Jin” cooking moments.
Quote: A way to the woman’s heart is through the stomach.

Name: Albert Mao Yi-Zhou
Age: 22
Winning Title: 4th runner up.
Occupation: National Ping Pong Player
Do you know: He once asked Maria Sharapova for a game of ping pong duel not knowing that she is in fact a tennis player!
Quote: WEIII DA DA!!!

Name: Ernie Raspberry
Age: 21
Winning Title: 5th runner up.
Occupation: New Zealand Natural drink spokesperson
Do you know: He was once underweight but after becoming the spokesperson of New Zealand Natural drink, he gained a whooping 20kg to be the man he is today, all natural!
Quote: Beauty is skin deep…But in my case, it goes all the way pass my skin and below the fats.

Name: Yusoff Mohammed Dollah
Age: 20
Winning Title: 3rd runner up.
Occupation: Leader of the alleyway 90210 gang
Do You Know: Yusoff underwent bleaching two years ago, resulting in him having unnaturally fair skin for a Malay.
Quote: @$@^#@@!$%%

Name: Takero Rurin Syaoran Fye Ah Pui
Age: 21
Winning Title: 1st runner up, Best Body.
Occupation: Sumo wrestler and part time belly dancer.
Do you know: He was the man behind the Hippo costume in Hippo and friends but after the show was scraped due to inappropriate explicit content, he became a full time sumo wrestler.
Quote: Wiggle my belly like a pot full of jelly!

Name: Kelvin Tan Ah Tong
Age: 23
Winning Title: Best swimsuit.
Occupation: Swimsuit model
Do You Know: is the only contestant who hadn’t passed the auditions to make it here. He was coincidentally washed ashore by a freakish wave just at crucial moment when the other 11 contestants are being unveiled, and thus he became 12.
Quote: ARGHHH! I got sand in my eyesssss!

Name: Pavatee Chanderlee
Age: 20
Winning Title: Mr. Nice Smile
Occupation: Bollywood backup dancer
Do You Know: He was spokesperson for Darlie and he won the Bollywood Movie Awards (BMA) for ‘Best Dance Around a Coconut Tree’ in 2005.
Quote: A prata a day keeps your teeth whiter everyday.

Country: Honolulu, Hawaii
Name: Lilo LuLu
Age: 20
Winning Title: Mr. Eligible Bachelor 2006, Best National Costume.
Occupation: Pizza Hut deliverer
Do You Know: The ‘palm trees’ popping out from his head are actually part of his national costume, and he’s actually wearing it above his head.
Quote: Aloha! Hawaiian pizza! Upsize please!

Name: Yanginaldo Pistachio !!!!!
Age: 20
Winning Title: Most photogenic
Occupation: Still-life portrait model
Do You Know: This heir of the Pistachio nuts won multiple awards at art fests including ‘most mesmerizing still life portrait’, and he insisted his picture be taken in the most complimenting way to him – with his eyes closed.
Quote: Zzzzzzz…

Name: Kong Bak Pao aka Iron Lady
Age: 22
Winning Title: None.
Occupation: Beautiful Boxer
Do You Know: Bak Pao forgot his supply of botox injection, resulting in him having severe crows feet outbreak at the corner of his eyes during the photoshoot.
Quote: I want to be a million dollar baby.

Name: Mozarellah Cinderellah
Age: 18
Winning Title: None.
Occupation: Unemployed
Do You Know: His nipples and belly button actually form an equilateral triangle which each side measuring 12.72829cm long.
Quote: Today’s programme is brought to you by the number TWO!

Name: !kingkong!!!bushyman!!!!!!!!
Age: 22
Winning Title: Most talented contestant (tongue twisting act)
Occupation: Tribal Leader
Do You Know: he won the international tongue twister award due to his amazing ability to flex his tongue muscles (years of trying to pronounce his own name).
Quote: Peterpepperpickedapickpickledpepperppp!!!
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