Ex Bachelor Is Now Scandalous Blogger
Braxilian Waxer Lax On Censorship
After a year of staying under the radar, Yanginaldo Pistachio aka Sleeping Beauty is back creating headlines with a new endorsement deal and his scandalous and much talked about self-titled blog of 2007, www.freakymonster.blogspot.com. The famous Brazilian still-life portrait model and once heir of the Pistachio nuts empire, Nutty Professor, created waves last July when he claimed the title of the "Most Photogenic" bachelor at YAWP's Most Eligible Bachelors Swimsuit Edition 2006. After that fateful night, the exotic Brazilian beauty was named, "Snort! Grunt! Oink!" which basically means "Sleeping Beauty" in Brazilian, for his signature and breathtaking shots of him sleeping.
After the controversial debut and the sudden declaration of his bankruptcy last July, this broke Brazilian still-life model then decided to step out of the spotlight and be a traditional Brazilian waxer by day, and a scandalous blogger by night. His blog, Solstice, named after a phenomenon that happens only twice a year, is now No.1 at the 'Most Visited Blogs in the World' charts (commonly known as MVB) after his recent close-to-the-heart article on the 'Top 10 ways of surviving Brazilian Waxing'.
However, the reknown Brazilian waxer had received nothing but offensive comments regarding his blog.
Crude and offensive messages like "Ur blog suck like a black hole!" and "$%@!" were flooding the tag board faster than the water rising in your bathtub. Harsh comments from "Hello" - the unnamed person behind all the vulgarities and mean comments - consistently appeared on Yanginaldo's tag board like a game of tag. The Brazilian authorities has now eliminated all crude words and vulgar comments, leaving only nice, affectionate ones like the "hi i like u" message from an anonymous fan, most likely a secret lover of the reknown Brazilian waxer. The person wished to be known only as "Anonymous".
When approached, "Anonymous" refused to comment on the recent scandalous remarks made about Freaky Monster, but just carried on repeating "I like u" over and over again like a spoilt tape.
Be it a hotspot for spam or not, Solstice will always be a controversial and read-worthy blog to the public.
Despite all the bad press recently regarding his chart topping blog, the Brazilian waxer is now the new face for a local delight, Hum Chim Peng. "He was a god send! AMITABAH! When we first saw him last year on Bachelor edition, his unique face shape stood out like a salty flavoured Hum Chim Peng with sesame seeds on the sides. Not too salty and too seedy, just nice," said the spokesperson before savouring his very own piece of "Salty Salty Hum Chim Peng". The once heir of the pistachio empire, Nutty Professor, is now new face of the "Salty Salty Hum Chim Peng", look out for more news updates and ways to win a year supply of Hum Chim Pengs in the next few editions of YAWP.
Exclusive contest only for YAWP readers! Everyone's favourite waxer Yanginaldo recently got signed on by the 'Hum Chim Peng' (salted fried dough cakes) company, due to the uncanny resemblance in his face shape and the Hum Chim Peng! We have an exclusive contest to celebrate his new endorsement just for you! (click on image for larger view)