Movie Reviews
X-MEN 4: The Ex-X-Men Returns
Year 2950, that's when the sequel of x-men 4 will be set in. Mutants all around the world have gone underground after the death of Professor X in "X-Men 3: The Last Stand", due to threats to their very existance. After years and years of hiding underground and co-habiting with the original occupants of the sewers, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, distant relatives of the mutants themselves, couldn't stand it any longer.
Being angsty teenagers, the turtles decided to chase the mutants out once and for all, due to their need for privacy. And so, we see the x-men living and walking among us - the human population - once again. The Ex-X-Men are back.
Bleach (played by the Johnny Depp of the new century, HK), a descendant of Storm, has the abiltity to turn his hair and pupils white at his bidding. Constantly changing his outlooks and assuming false personas (of people above the age of 65 for best effects), Bleach is invincible, and he knows it. He has a heart full of vengeance, and all he wants is to avenge and wage war on the humans for his dead great,great, super great grandmother, Storm.
And then he meets Goggles (played to perfection by JX), the descendant of the legendary Cyclops. Goggles had the ability to detect excess infra-red waves, and she devoted her time for the greater good: visiting kitchens and restaurants, haging around the ovens and mircowaves, just so she could warn the people of possible overheatings and fires. On their first meeting, Bleach loathes Goggles because of her helpfulness to the humans. Also, Goggles' optimism and her constant smiling faces pissed him and his angsty self off. Thinking he was a 75 year old woman on their first meeting, Goggles too, didn't have too much likings for Bleach.
And then things happened; major, shocking things which forced the two to depend of each other for their own survival. Beautiful story, wonderful chemistry between the two leads, what more could you ask for?
X-Men 4: The Ex-X-Men Returns is a must-watch not only for X-Men fans. Available in 3-D format with free, limited edition Goggle 3-D glasses for the first 100 movie-goers. Whilst stocks last.
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